Selecting A New Home Consultation

Buying (or renting) a new house can be a fascinating and sometimes fearful experience. Applying feng shui to the process of buying a house is wise, and will give you peace of mind, as well as assure that your house is a good financial investment.

Building Or Remodeling Home Consultation

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Why not use the sensibilities of feng Shui from the very beginning when creating your new home! Whether you are starting from scratch or remodeling, the instinct-based, design principles of feng shui will assist you in creating a space that supports you and your family in all positive ways.

Selling Your Real Estate Consultation

Whether you are a real estate broker, or selling your own home, the application of feng shui principles can be particularly effective. Feng shui can enhance the energetic quality of the site, helping to stimulate vitality in the environment. In this consultation we will address strategic steps to create attraction and appeal to get your house sold. Whether you are staging the home or living in it, feng shui can help.